
Ashton Cartwright

Ashton Cartwright Awesome Hair

Ashton Cartwright is a full-time poker player, part-time author, and most-of-the-time hair aficionado. When he is not grinding out a hundred Sit-n-goes in a day online, he is playing cash games at his semi-local casino in Sydney, affectionately known as “The Star” (The casino that is. . . Not Ashton Cartwright)

This blog documents his trials, tribulations, and quite unexpected successes. He has played almost every form of poker, both live and online, with varying levels of profitability. He has chased online bonuses, bubbled major events, and hit one outters right when he needed to.

When asked by a compatriot “Aren’t you a bit too handsome to be a poker player?” he humbly and modestly replied “Aren’t you a bit too ugly to be talking to me?”.

A master of mathematics, he happily lists his three favourite things as “Profit and money”, which enlightens us all to the virtues of his pure heart. A one time mega-nerd, he is now admired and lusted after by both men and women alike, a stoic inspiration to those of us who have not yet grasped all that it is to embrace these Ashtonic attributes.

“Speaking for myself, I think Ashton is really, really cool. I like Ashton so much in fact, that if it were legal, I would probably marry him.” – Ashton Cartwright.

Read Ashton’s latest blog posts by clicking: HERE